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Ongoing Projects



Ongoing Projects

Global Citizenship Education (GCE) is an activity carried out by RS, in conjunction with the work that’s been done over the last few years in Development Education.

As Global Citizenship Education is the fifth and most recent generation of Development Education (Mesa, 2000), action in this area aims to bring together realities that seem far apart but are nonetheless interrelated. Reflection on, and the search for local and global solutions to problems that are also local and global, aim to raise awareness of the global nature of citizenship and civic participation in today’s world.intervention of the Association.

In this sense, the GCE is central to RS because it seeks social transformation, promoting behavioral change, raising critical awareness and influencing its own intervention within the other areas of intervention of the Association.

The operationalization of this area of action seeks to align itself with the guidelines in the Strategic Concept of Portuguese Cooperation 2014-2020 and the National Strategy of Education for Development.

Status: on going
Starded: 2023


The Time2Act.SD project aims to contribute to the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes of higher education students in the area of Sustainable Development.

State: on going
Starded: 2020

Local Partnerships for Education for Development

The Local Partnerships for Education for Development Project aims to involve the various actors who work in education, training, lifelong learning and community awareness in different contexts within the Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira.

State: on going
Started: february 2022
Conclusion:  february 2025

Living Rivers

Aims to improve adult education resources based on gamification methodology, promote participation and management of nature.

It aims to strengthen the appropriation of water as a human right and common good and to mobilize citizens to participate and defend the environment, in a context of climate change.

State: on going
Started: februry 2022
Conclusion: january 2024

Shaping Life

Shaping Life – Innovative pathways for a healthy lifestyle in adult education” aims to educate adults from different socio-economic and cultural backgrounds to achieve psychological competences that enable them to develop and implement a healthy lifestyle, even under difficult conditions such as the pandemic context and the post-crisis period.

State: on going
Started: december 2021
Conclusion: december 2023

Gamification of Employment II

“Gamification of Employment II” visa fortalecer as capacidades “upskilling” e “reskilling” dos jovens, especialmente aqueles com menos oportunidades, para abordar a transformação digital, através do desenvolvimento da preparação, resiliência e capacidades digitais. Estas abordagens propõem-se a melhorar a empregabilidade dos jovens, promovendo as suas aptidões, capacidades e valores, fomentando uma juventude preparada para enfrentar a transformação social que está a acontecer.

State: on going
Started: february 2022
Conclusion: february 2024


The D3PO project is focused on designing a new development methodology based on the resolution of 3D printed puzzles that can be solved individually, and also in teams.
These puzzles can be used in the area of rehabilitation and social inclusion, as a therapeutic tool and also as a way to raise awareness on certain topics, such as disability and inclusion.

State: on going
Started: mach 2022
Conclusion: december 2024

Stairway to SDG 3.0

The Stairway to SDG 3.0 project aims to promote the sustainability values of the 2030 Agenda and raise global awareness of people to be able to internationalise these values and transform them into everyday sustainable practices.

Status: on going
Started: October 2021
Completion: September 2023


O projeto ED-Comunicar tem como objetivo aumentar a visibilidade, o conhecimento e o reconhecimento da EDCG, em Portugal, criando espaços de apropriação por parte dos todos os atores do Desenvolvimento.

The ED-Comunicar project aims to increase the visibility, knowledge and recognition of EDCG in Portugal, creating spaces of ownership by all development actors.

Status: on going
Started: February 2022
Completion: August 2023

The Factory of Ideas

The Factory of Ideas is a project that aims to promote innovation and social entrepreneurship as an important tool to face the challenges arising from the Covid-19 pandemic, and to empower young people through the design and creation of a virtual gamification environment, able to provide them with knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of social entrepreneurship.

Status: on going
Started: November 2021
Completion: October 23


SEAC: The project aims to generate knowledge about Youth Goal 10 (Youth Goals) and Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDGs) and to promote sustainable and responsible environmental behaviours in the new generations of European children, attending primary school.

Status: on going
Started: March 2022
Completion: March 2024

SOS Centres

SOS Centres aims to contribute to overcoming this problem by seeking new approaches to creating opportunities for children to report situations of violence, facilitating the process of seeking support.

Status: under implementation
Started: June 2021
Completion: May 2023

Radio Theater: Tales of the Quarantin

The project “Radio Theatre: Tales from the Quarantine” has as its main objective the creation of a strategic partnership for the promotion of creative and artistic skills (body expression, self-awareness, narrative, public speaking, theatrical) in the field of working with young people, especially those with fewer opportunities, in order to develop, test and implement innovative methods through the use of radio and theatre as a creative educational tool.

Status: on going
Started: May 2021
Completion: May 2023


The #BigDataForAll project aims to develop digital skills both at the teaching staff and student level to promote better school performance and preparation for the labour market

Status: on going
Start: May 2021
Completion: May 2023

#EU Defenders

#EUDefenders was born with the aim of promoting, positioning and preserving European cultural heritage in the Covid-19 era, through digital storytelling and media literacy, in the youth and cultural sectors.

Status: on going
Started: March 2021
Completion: February 2023

CLOE - Creative Leader Of Europe

The CLOE project is to foster the development of young creative talents and broaden their entrepreneurial capacity through an innovative distance entertainment model, while strengthening awareness on inclusive development.

Status: ongoing
Started: March 2021
Completion: February 2023


The “E-Crafts” project has social and artistic dimensions as its central proposal, focusing on the education and training of adults with fewer opportunities, so that they develop skills for sustainability and well-being, through Art and Craft Knowledge.

This project arises in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic that has been affecting all segments of the population worldwide and in a very particular way, the social groups that were already the most vulnerable and the entire cultural and artistic sector, aggravating issues already felt by these.

Status: ongoing
Started: 2020


This is a project that aims to broaden and develop the skills of educators through the use of skills related to the use of social theatre improvisation.
The outcomes of the project are aimed at educators working in the field of social inclusion.

It is intended to increase the level of quality and quantity of pedagogical methods to be used with people with special needs. By increasing the use of non-formal education in adult education, it is intended to prove that the results that many educators and trainers are achieving in the field of youth work can also be gained in the field of adult education.

Status: ongoing
Started: 2020


The project “ProSpecT – Promote reSPECt and Tolerance” is developed within the framework of the “Rights, Equality and Citizenship” programme of the European Commission.

This programme aims to contribute to the development of an area where equality and the rights of persons, as enshrined in the Treaty, the Charter and international human rights conventions, are promoted, protected and effectively implemented.

Status: ongoing
Started: 2020

SIEP 2.0 - Promoção da Inclusão Social através de Propostas Educativas e Gamificação

“SIEP 2.0” is a project that combines Theatre of the Oppressed with Educational Proposals in order to provide Education and Youth professionals with tools to prevent Bullying and Cyberbullying.

Status: ongoing
Started: 2020


The strategic partnership “Exodus” is part of the exchange of good practices between European organisations working in the field of adult education, especially in favour of migrants, political refugees, asylum seekers and second generations.

Our area of intervention will focus on strengthening and developing the key competences throughout life of adult learners with fewer opportunities through inclusive activities such as art therapy, performing arts, ESC (European Solidarity Corps) volunteering, job search and job creation, human rights campaigns and social/digital media communication.

Status: ongoing
Started: 2019


The project “Integration Through Arts Learning to Enhance Society” (I-TALES) is developed in the framework of Key Action 2 of the Erasmus + Programme, dedicated to Adult Education. The projects funded by this action aim the cooperation for innovation, development and sharing of innovative practices in education and training of young people, among the participating countries, in this case 7 European countries: Portugal, Italy, Spain, Greece, Chiprus, Bulgaria and Lithuania.

Status: on going
Started: 2021
Conclusion: 2022

Rights - Respect is the goal, hate speech Treathens Sport Integrity

RIGHTS develops open educational resources, counter-narrative toolkits and awareness campaigns to combat “hate speech” in sport, both “online and onlife”, and contributes to the E+ priority “Combating violence and tackling racism, discrimination and intolerance in sport”.

Status: On going
Started: 2018

Bichinhos na Cabeça

Inspired by the popular portuguese expression “Bichinhos na cabeça”, the awareness campaign “What’s bugging you?” aims to raise awareness about the origin of prejudices and types of social discrimination that mark inequality and social injustice, for example in different sports practices.

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