Development Cooperation is in the genesis of Rosto Solidário, taking into account that, since its creation, it has been collaborating with projects of the Passionist Missionaries in Angola.
The awareness that global problems are everyone’s responsibility, that local problems have a global link and that the world is always much more than the local is the motivation to strengthen Development Cooperation as an area of action.
The operationalization of this area of intervention follows the guidelines of the Strategic Concept of Portuguese Cooperation 2014-2020, which gives priority to working with the countries of the European area and Portuguese-speaking countries, the European Development and Cooperation Policy, the EU’s Agenda for Change with regard to its development policy and the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation.
In addition, cooperation allows us to learn from our differences, and to get to know different realities and work experiences, which can even be an added value in local intervention.

Status: in progress

Status: in progress
Enlargement of the Primary School 5082 in Calumbo
This project, led by the Passionist Missionaries in Angola intended to contribute to boost the quality of education in Angola, focusing on primary education, from the improvement and expansion of the Primary School 5082 in Calumbo, Municipality of Viana – Angola.

Status: in progress
Passionist Solidarity with Mozambique
Rosto Solidário, together with the Passionist Missionaries, presents the Campaign: Passionist Solidarity with Mozambique, whose objective is to raise funds to support the emergency response in the areas of Mozambique affected by Cyclone Idai, in partnership with the Mozambican Catholic Church.

Start: December 2018
Completion: August 2020
SIEP - “Generating social inclusion through Education Pills and Theatre of Opressed around the world”
SIEP – “Generating social inclusion through Education Pills and Theatre of Opressed around the world” is a project promoted by FUNDACION ASPAYM CASTILLA Y LEON – Spain, financed by the Erasmus+ program, Action Capacity Building for Youth in ACP countries, Latin America and Asia.
This project was created with the aim of promoting and providing different inclusive activities for youth workers and young people that help create an inclusive society that accepts diversity as an intrinsic part of it, and at the same time prevents bullying and cyberbullying.

Start: December 2018
Completion: August 2020
The GEM Project – #Gender Equality Matters is a strategic partnership, Key Action 2, for cooperation for innovation and sharing of good practices, funded by Erasmus +.
It aims to empower different target groups such as youth, youth workers, educators and grassroots activists by providing them with new skills to increase women’s participation in society.
It also seeks to raise awareness in local communities about gender issues and the importance of promoting women empowerment in Europe and Southern Mediterranean countries.

Status: ongoing
Start: 2017
Conclusion: 2019
Educational Resource Center of Calumbo (CREC)
This project aims to contribute to boost the quality of education in Angola, with a focus on primary and secondary education and lifelong learning opportunities, from non-formal educational spaces, as a general objective, from the achievement of two specific objectives of establishing the Educational Resource Center of Calumbo as a pole for the promotion of non-formal learning and also to design and implement in CREC a system for the development of study skills and exploitation of pedagogical resources.

Status: concluded
Start: 2012
Conclusion: 2016
Training of Trainers Project of the Santa Cruz Cultural Center (CCSC)
The Training of Trainers Project – Santa Cruz Cultural Center aimed to train young people in areas with greater local demand and more valued in the labor market. It also sought to contribute to the medium-term objectives of the Center, such as the training and professional insertion of young people, the sustainability of the Center and the diversification of its training offer.
Following the training courses held in Uige in 2014, by Portuguese volunteers’ finalists of the engineering course in Coimbra, of “Computer Networks” and “Hardware and Software” was developed by the student Avelino Kuyanga under the Masters in Computer Engineering, the project “Development of a LowCost system for Internet access in disadvantaged regions” in order to be implemented at the Santa Cruz Cultural Center in Uige.

Status: concluded
Start: July 2010
Conclusion: December 2012
Empowerment of Mutual Aid Women
The project “Empowerment of Ajuda Mútua’s Women – Training and Income Generation” aimed at promoting the empowerment of women from the “Ajuda Mútua” group from the Papelão neighborhood in the city of Uíge, Angola.
It was developed in a partnership between the NGOD Rosto Solidário, the NGOD Leigos para o Desenvolvimento and the Passionist Missionaries, and was implemented in the field by volunteers of the Leigos para o Desenvolvimento and the Passionist Missionaries present in the city of Uíge.
The project was co-financed by several institutions, namely Camões – Institute for Cooperation and Language, I.P., Manos Unidas from Spain, Caritas Italiana and CEI – Italian Bishops Conference, besides own funds from the partner organizations and donations from individuals.