Rosto Solidário
Rosto Solidário was founded in 2007, promoted by the Passionist Church Congregation in Santa Maria da Feira and by a group of lay people from the local community, based on a long tradition of supporting families in situations of social vulnerability and the work of the Passionist Missionaries in the Angolan Missions, especially in the Uige province.
We are a non-profit association for development, recognized since 2008 as an NGDO (Non-Governmental Organization for Development) by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, benefiting from the status of “collective persons of public utility”.
We work towards development, promoting equity, human rights and equal opportunities, by carrying out concrete projects focused on community education and culture. We value participation and integration through volunteering, solidarity, networking and partnerships.
Inspiration from Christianity
Rosto Solidário is an organisation born from a group of Catholics and so is based on Christian ethics and values in line with the Social Doctrine of the Church.
Justice, Peace, Integrity of the Creation. Rosto Solidário is inspired by the Passionista JPIC, in the passion for life and the world, that brings it to act for the promotion of justice, for the delivery of peace and for the preservation of our house (oikos) that we call Earth.
Integral Development
Rosto Solidário carries out social and human development, and refuses to see development solely from an economic and financial perspective. It carries out integral development for all people, women and men in their totality and dimensions, namely freedom, equality and education, culture and participation.
Family, regardless of the many configurations it can assume, is the nucleus of any society, where every person is born, is raised and learns how to relate to others.
We try to empower the role of family, reinforcing its importance for its actual personal and social development, seeking to compliment the work of the State and other civil society actors.
- Promote and defend human rights;
- Promote equal opportunities for men and women;
- Promote local and international volunteering;
- Promote development in Portuguese-speaking countries;
- Raise public awareness on the importance of development;
- Represent Passionist International in Portugal;
- Promote family support and other projects of social and cultural nature;
- Guide the affectivity of family relationships and support the education of children.
Rosto Solidário’s goals are in line with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the European NGO Charter and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Incheon Declaration “Education 2013: Towards inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all”.
Paulo Jorge Gomes Ferreira de Sousa (Chairman)
Rui Miguel Baptista Ferreira (Vice-president)
Humberto Xavier Alves da Silva (Treasurer)
Carla Maria da Silva Coelho (1st Secretary)
David José Simões Fitas (2nd Secretary)
Delfim Castro Ferreira da Silva (1st Member)
Rui António Ribas Oliveira (2nd Member)
Fiscal Council
António Marques dos Santos Cavaco (President)
António José de Almeida Alves (Secretary)
José António Leite Adrego (Vogal)
General Assembly
Fausto Paiva dos Reis Sá (President)
Paulo Jorge dos Santos Matos (Secretary)
Manuel Moreira Tavares (Vogal)
Technical Team and Contacts
Paulo Costa – General Coordination |
Carla Azevedo – European Solidarity Corps
Fátima Sousa – General Services
Iara Guimarães – Education and Global Citizenship
Joana Teixeira – Education and Global Citizenship
José Leite – Administrative Services
Patrícia Ribeiro – Education and Global Citizenship
Paula Pereira – Financial Officer Responsable
Sara Martins Bastos – Family Support
Solange Oliveira – Family Support
Susana Quintal – Communication, Education and Global Citizenship