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European Solidarity Corps (ESC) – Volunteering

European Solidarity Corps (ESC)


As a result of some initiatives developed under the Youth in Action Program of the European Commission, in 2011 Rosto Solidário was accredited as a hosting and sending organization under the European Voluntary Service (EVS).

EVS is an international volunteering program carried out under the Erasmus + Program. It allowed young people between the ages of 17 and 30 to express their personal commitment through unpaid voluntary service in another country within or outside the European Union.

Today, there is a new European Union initiative, the European Solidarity Corps, which aims to promote solidarity in European society by involving young people and organizations in accessible, high-quality activities. Besides volunteering activities, it also promotes internships and jobs and supports young people in managing their own solidarity projects.

Rosto Solidário continues to coordinate projects, support young people in sending activities and host others in Santa Maria da Feira, promoting solidarity as a value, sustainable development of communities and the environment.


This page presents summaries of international volunteering experiences, in sending and hosting activities, coordinated by Rosto Solidário and/or in partnership with partner organizations.

Além das atividades de voluntariado, promove também estágios e empregos e apoia os jovens na gestão dos seus projetos próprios de solidariedade.

Rosto Solidário continues to coordinate projects, support young people in sending activities and host others in Santa Maria da Feira, promoting solidarity as a value, sustainable development of communities and the environment.

This page presents summaries of international volunteering experiences, in sending and hosting activities, coordinated by Rosto Solidário and/or in partnership with partner organizations.

Além das atividades de voluntariado, promove também estágios e empregos e apoia os jovens na gestão dos seus projetos próprios de solidariedade.

This page presents summaries of international volunteering experiences, in hosting activities, coordinated by Rosto Solidário and/or in partnership with partner organizations.

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