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Drawing new paths for freedom – artist story


The artist

Rita graduated in digital arts and multimedia in 2016, at Escola Superior de Artes e Design, in Matosinhos (Portugal). In 2019, she participated in an artist residency, a project she really enjoyed. From 2019 to 2021, she worked for a tourism company, as a graphic designer and 3D artist. Since the beginning of 2022, she has been working as a freelancer for several national and international companies,both as a designer and as illustrator.

Rita’s daily routine is quite flexible (when the project in hand allows for it): managing and adjusting her work schedule to her own personal rhythm, working when she feels more productive. Thus, a normal working day includes meetings and updates on her projects, as well as working for company X during part of the morning and early afternoon; then she takes a break and goes to the gym/drawing/walking during part of the afternoon; in the evening, she works for company/project Y. Despite feeling some difficulties in terms of time management, Rita says this flexibility is the biggest advantage of working as a freelancer.

The challenge and the opportunity of the pandemic context

Rita told us that when the pandemic started, she was working full-time. However, she had to resign because the company went through financial problems and stopped paying the workers. This decision turned out to be a big challenge, but also the best thing that could have happened to her professionally. 

“It opened doors for me to other more exciting projects in a remote/hybrid regime – something I didn’t even consider before the pandemic” – Rita

This change allowed her to start freelancing full time, focusing on some international illustration/design projects, for an American client she was already working with.

Although she prefers remote/hybrid work, Rita does not totally rule out face-to-face work, depending on the project/work in question. She explains that before she would often spend hours in the office even though she didn’t have any projects in hand. She had to be there and fulfil that number of hours, or work in less productive moments. Now, working from home, she can be much more productive and do it at a time that suits her.

We strongly recommend you to take a peek at Rita’s fantastic creations!

You can follow her work at:

Artist: Rita Freitas
Artistic portfolio: 

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