ENVIA-NOS UMA MENSAGEM geral@rostosolidario.pt
CONTACTA-NOS +351 256 336 001*


CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS | Deadline 10th September 2020

  Rosto Solidário as a coordinating and hosting organisation is looking for volunteers (age 18 > 30 years old) for People & Planet ESC Project                                                Check Infopack here   City: Santa Maria da Feira (medium sized city with about 140.000 inhabitants located in Northern Portugal) Dates: from September 2020 to

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European Solidarity Corps – Why not?

No âmbito do projeto Solidarity, Culture and Heritage do programa Programa Erasmus + a Rosto Solidário organizou um evento online, dado o atual contexto, onde os diversos intervenientes nos projetos de voluntariado europeu “Solidarity, Culture and Heritage” e “Pessoas e Pessoas” partilharam a sua experiência e desafiaram outros jovens a

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