Concluded Projects
Global Citizenship Education (GCE) is an activity carried out by RS, in conjunction with the work that’s been done over the last few years in Development Education.
As Global Citizenship Education is the fifth and most recent generation of Development Education (Mesa, 2000), action in this area aims to bring together realities that seem far apart but are nonetheless interrelated. Reflection on, and the search for local and global solutions to problems that are also local and global, aim to raise awareness of the global nature of citizenship and civic participation in today’s world.intervention of the Association.
In this sense, the GCE is central to RS because it seeks social transformation, promoting behavioral change, raising critical awareness and influencing its own intervention within the other areas of intervention of the Association.
The operationalization of this area of action seeks to align itself with the guidelines in the Strategic Concept of Portuguese Cooperation 2014-2020 and the National Strategy of Education for Development.
“SUSTAINABILITY MAKERS” THE WAY TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS – STAIRWAY TO SDG is a project of the ERASMUS + programme, from KEY ACTION 2: Cooperation for innovation and the Exchange of good practices.
This Project has a duration of 24 months during which it aims to have a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and technological approach in order to empower “sustainability builders”, i.e. to develop skills and knowledge on the theme of SDGs to professionals, teachers, educators, trainers and tutors in order to increase their multiplying capacity of transmission of sustainability values.
Exchange of good practices in the accessibility of electronic platforms between young people with disabilities
Technology advances faster and faster, but does not always take into account young citizens in vulnerable situations, such as young people with cognitive/physical limitations, low literacy levels, in poverty, belonging to minorities, migrants.
In this project, different target groups of young people in vulnerable situations the partners will reflect on promoting the accessibility of these young people to electronic platforms, eliminating barriers and obstacles. Thus, they will be able to perform daily routine tasks but also become civically active and be able to be present in civic-democratic instances.
eAdults - Exchange of Good Practices in Promoting Virtual Adult Education through Electronic Platforms
This project aims to explore how electronic platforms or methods are effective in promoting successful virtual, online and/or distance education with adults.
This project will be developed in several stages: analyse the context and the variables that make electronic platforms effective; identify the characteristics of existing electronic platforms; assess the effectiveness of the current electronic platforms implemented; finally, create a practical guide for the use and future dissemination of these platforms.
Believe in Europe: Supporting the creation of a new european citizenry among the new generations
The project “Believe in Europe: Supporting the creation of a new European citizenship among the new generations” is developed within the framework of Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ Programme, dedicated to Strategic Partnerships in the field of youth.
Projects funded by this action aim to develop innovative outcomes and/or to engage in dissemination and exploitation activities of existing and newly produced innovative products or ideas. This type of project obtains funding for the development of intellectual products and multiplier events, in order to respond directly to the innovation aspect of the Action.
Status: Completed
Started: 2019
Completion: 2021
Gymkhana 5.0
Gymkhana 5.0: Cultural Heritage for Youth it’s a financed project by ERASMUS+ program, as KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices.
This Project aim was to increase the level of education on European Heritage among young people, in particular those with fewer opportunities (refugees and migrants, people with disabilities, among others).
To this end, innovative tools based on the use of gamification were developed, tested and implemented.
Status: Completed
Started: January 2021
Completion: July 2021
Triple Europe Game
Triple Europe Game – “Youth for an open, fair and sustainable Europe in the world” aims to contribute to the awareness and sensitivity of young people on EU policies with a focus on development cooperation, human rights, the role of civil society and the 2030 Agenda and Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development (General objective) and, as a specific objective, to promote the critical awareness of young people on the role of European policies based on a gamification strategy with youth workers and Eurodesk Port multipliers.
Status: Completed
Started: March 2020
Conclusion: July 2021
Exchange of good practices of healthy leisure for the prevention of addictions in young people
O Projeto “Exchange of good practices of healthy leisure for the prevention of addictions in young people” desenvolve-se no âmbito da Ação-chave 2 do Programa Erasmus +, dedicada à cooperação para a Inovação e partilha de boas práticas.
Status: Completed
Started: September 2018
Completion: February 2021
The Gamification Of Employment
The Gamification of Employment” is an AC2 Project – Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices.
Its main objective is transnational and intersectoral cooperation, seeking to develop, test and implement innovative methods of working with young people through board games. With these methods it is intended to develop skills in young people that increase their employability and stimulate their insertion in the labour market.
Status: Completed
Started: 2018
Completion: 2019
CORPLAY – COunter Radicalization PLAY sport is an Erasmus Sport project that aims to strengthen the role of sport in preventing radicalization in youth through an innovative sport approach built from the bottom up. It also aims to combat intolerance, xenophobia and discrimination that can result in extremism.
Status: Completed
Start: 2016
Completion: 2018
Feira Sem Preconceitos
The Project “Feira Without Prejudice, united by diversity” is promoted by the City Council of Santa Maria da Feira in partnership with Rosto Solidário and with the support of the Portuguese Network of Intercultural Cities of the Council of Europe.
Status: Completed
Started: 2014
Completion: 2017
HECOS for ETHICS – Higher Education and CompanieS FOsteRing ETHICal Skills
Hecos for Ethics (Higher Education and CompanieS FOsteRing ETHICal Skills) is an international cooperation project in the field of social responsibility and sustainability that over three years involves nine partners from six different countries: Italy, Sweden, Belgium, Hungary, Slovakia and Portugal.
Rosto Solidário is the partner from Portugal and the consortium is led by AICCRE – Associazione Italiana del Consiglio dei Comuni e delle Regioni d’Europa – Federazione Veneta – from Italy.
Status: Completed
Started: March 2014
Completion: February 2016
É de Género?
This is an Education for Global Citizenship project by Rosto Solidário, which aimed to train and raise awareness among young people about gender equality, global citizenship and diversity. Based on non-formal education and privileging the use of audiovisual material, this project resulted in a documentary and a training manual available on this website.