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Member Day

After the success of the first initiative, Rosto Solidário aims to establish a tradition, promoting new moments of sharing, fun, and connection with the community.

On September 28th, we will once again celebrate the “Member’s Day”, an event intended not only for members but also for volunteers, donors, beneficiaries, collaborators, friends, and the entire local community.

Last year showed us the importance of celebrating the mission, achievements, and growth of the organization with the people, as the existence and development of Rosto Solidário only make sense and are possible thanks to them” emphasizes Paulo Gomes Sousa, President of Rosto Solidário.

The President of Rosto Solidário and the board also add, “We want to continue to strengthen and reinforce our bonds, as we believe this is the only way to fortify our actions and positive impact on the lives of countless people.”

The celebrations on Saturday, September 28th, will be held at Mata do Seminário dos Missionários Passionistas, in Sta. Maria da Feira, with the following program:

  • 11:30 AM – Mass
  • 12:30 PM – Social Lunch*
    (Free, upon registration and confirmation by September 24th through this link)
  • 3:00 PM – Afternoon of Games and Entertainment

A monetary donation at the event is encouraged, which will support Rosto Solidário’s mission.
There will also be parallel activities
* throughout the day. Stay tuned to our social media.


This day will be dedicated to thanking and recognizing all those who contribute to the existence and growth of the organization.

Come celebrate and learn about Rosto Solidário’s activities and projects on this day dedicated to you!

Registrations and confirmations (until September 24th):

  • Registration Form
  • Passionist Bookstore
  • TEL: +351 256 336 001
    Call to the national landline network



Parallel Activity – Plogging Walk 3kg
9:00 AM, at Rosto Solidário headquarters
As part of the celebration activities for Rosto Solidário’s Member’s Day, in partnership with the PLOGGING group of Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal.

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