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Carpa Project

Carpa Project

Status: ongoing
Start: 08 April 2019
Place: Orfeão de Santa Maria da Feira
Partners: Orfeão de Santa Maria da FeiraDecoremcorpo

The Carpa Project results from a partnership between Rosto Solidário’s Psychology Service and Oficina d’Artes do Orfeão da Feira and intends to be an approach to children’s social and emotional skills through artistic expressions.
This experience, intended for children from 6 to 14 years old, aims to create environments and situations that allow children to discover themselves as individual, unique and special beings, in a creative and expressive way.

The second step is the projection of this individual discovery in the interaction with the other, also unique and special, in a harmonious melody, with room for identification, difference, respect, cooperation and construction.


The potential of the arts for expression, learning and growth is well known. In this edition, the Carp Project essentially uses four artistic expressions – theatre, music, movement and plastic arts – as a way of

  • address and encourage the expression of emotions and the development of emotional literacy;
  • promote self-regulation skills and positive self-dialogue;
  • recognise differences in others:
  • develop problem-solving skills, practising them with hypothetical situations;
  • develop critical thinking.


The inscriptions can be made in the Orfeão da Feira.
For more information about the weekly programme, among others of interest, you can contact Orfeão da Feira or Rosto Solidário.


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