ENVIA-NOS UMA MENSAGEM geral@rostosolidario.pt
CONTACTA-NOS +351 256 336 001*


Rosto Solidário (RS) is a Portuguese NGDO (non-governmental organization for development), established in 2007. The organisation is based in Santa Maria da Feira about 30 km from Oporto.

RS aims to foster global citizenship and solidarity by enhancing local communities’ human and social development. RS core principles are civic participation, social integration, solidarity, networking and partnership.

The organisation scope of work includes four main areas: International Development Cooperation, Global Citizenship Education, Volunteering and Family-based Social Support. Gender Equity, Human Rights and Social Inclusion are RS cross-cutting subjects.

RS legal status of public utility has been recognized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2008. As a Portuguese NGDO Platform member it is represented both in Development Education Working Group and Working Group on Ethics. RS is a credited host and sending organization for European Voluntary Service projects since 2011.

Since the beginning RS is supported by the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ. It is also a member of the Plataforma das Entidades de Voluntariado Missionário (national network of Catholic institutions that promote international volunteering programs).

At the local level, RS is a member of Rede Social do concelho de Santa Maria da Feira (local network of 115 organisations with social intervention programmes – following National Action Plan for Inclusion guidelines). Within this network RS has been awarded four times as recognition of its work in volunteering and supporting local communities’ development.

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